Speyer is a multiplayer map based of the area with the same name in the single player campaign, a small semi industrial town that fell under attack from the swarm.
I was primarily responsible for the Town Spawn and market areas as well as doing some polish on the main street.
When this map was in production it was the biggest gears map to date and was a very good learning experience for my first map.
As one of the world builders my responsibilities included:
Management of OS requests.
World building from initial blocking in and iteration to finalisation and bug fixing.
Creation of architectural elements and simple props using existing materials.
Jussi Kateli also helped coach me through a lot of this map as it was my first at the company and he was the other main world builder on the map until the later stages where Luke Efrussy and Tibor Toth took over.
Art direction - Tim Appleby
Lead artist - Angelo Dal Pra
Level art - Jussi Kateli, Luke Efrussy, Tibor Toth
Asset art - Mike Isaakidis, Paul Widelski
Lighting - Liam Reid
VFX - Russell Bakewell
Tech Art - Jonathan Murphy
Level concepts - Andrew Porter, Nikolay Georgiev, Malte Langheim