Gears 5 : Asylum

Asylum is the COG’s equivalent of a mental health asylum with the added twist of the New Cog government closing it down and demolishing the bottom half to accommodate their new train network.
I was primarily responsible for the electrotherapy room (room with surgical lights) and the solitary confinement as well as blocking in the out of bounds vista, the vista was then handed to concept to create a matte painting. I also worked alongside Tibor Toth, Luke Efrussy, Ibrahim Wahab and Joe Tyas in the New Cog tracks area, this area underwent several largescale iterations due to the gameplay and art being very important here.
Responsibilities included:
Management of OS requests.
World building from initial blocking in and iteration to finalisation and bug fixing.
Creation of architectural elements and simple props using existing materials.
Art direction – Jason Flanagan, Matt Massier
Lead artist – Angelo Dal Pra/Jacob Mandt
Level art - Tibor Toth, Luke Efrussy, Ibrahim Wahab, Joe Tyas
Asset art - Mike Isaakidis
Lighting – Nick Slaney
VFX - Sergi Salvador, Raul Calderon
Tech Art - Jon Langford, Jonathan Murphy
Level concepts - Braydan Barrett, Robert Lund, Nikolay Georgiev

Responsibilities here included Initial blocking in, iteration and finalisation of central line of covers, creation of destroyed wall pieces and placement, composition of main Gate and direct non playable vista.

Responsibilities here included Initial blocking in, iteration and finalisation of central line of covers, creation of destroyed wall pieces and placement, composition of main Gate and direct non playable vista.

Responsibilities here were floors and dressing.

Responsibilities here were floors and dressing.