Vasgar is an airport that was abandoned after being heavily attacked by the UIR.
I was primarily responsible for the check-in and security checkpoint areas. However, finalising of damage to the roof was done by Luke Efrussy and Tibor Toth stepped in to help finalising of the entire map due to several large-scale art changes late in production.
Responsibilities included:
Management of OS requests.
World building from initial blocking in and iteration to finalisation and bug fixing.
Creation of architectural elements and simple props using existing materials.
Art direction - Jason Flanagan, Aryan Hanbeck
Lead artist – Jacob Mandt
Level art - Tibor Toth, Luke Efrussy,
Asset art - Mike Isaakidis
Lighting – Derek Patterson
VFX - Sergi Salvador, Raul Calderon
Tech Art – Emma Roseburgh, Jonathan Murphy
Level concepts - Braydan Barrett